Hi! Welcome to my little store!!

Online ordering is now available for all items, using your credit card
or Paypal.
When you hit the "buy now" button, it will direct you to the Paypal
website. If you don't have a Paypal account, click the button which
specifies that, and Paypal will accept your credit card info. I haven't
had time to set up a whole shopping cart thingy, so repeat the process
if you're ordering more than one item. They'll still get shipped
Ordering by check? Checks should go to:
Rolly Brown, 612 Washington Ave., Sellersville PA 18960
All payments w/ U.S. continental addresses include shipping and
International orders? email me!
Rolly's new "Songbirds" CD is available now!
It has been a dream of mine,
for over a decade, to get a bunch of wonderful women singers and do a CD
in which, drawing from the inspiration of the Joe Pass/Ella Fitzgerald
duet albums of jazz standards, I played the “Joe Pass” role and they
played the “Ella Fitzgerald” role.
The singers included here are
all stellar artists:
I’m proud and pleased to
share the stage with each of them.
I asked each singer to choose
what they wanted to perform, with the rough idea of the theme being
“Torch Songs”.
I hope the result pleases the
listener as much as it pleases me.
"Music Helps" Bumper Sticker! $7 postpd.
All profits go to American Civil Liberties Union.
Use drop-down menu to choose quantity of stickers!

guitar video lessons.
These are short (10-15 minute) videos, tailored to your needs. Find
info here.
This is a one hour interactive video conference with Rolly, in which
you can have questions answered in the moment, have Rolly comment on
technical a/or creative aspects of what you're doing, and, in short, get
as close to a one-on-one lesson as you can get, in the event that you
live too far away to come to Rolly for instruction.

Rolly's 4 years of "Sunday Morning Videos" on Facebook and Youtube
inspired this CD of guitar instrumentals. Drawing from the tunes created
for the series, as well as other original instrumentals, Rolly added
arrangements by his early inspirations; Davy Graham, Steve Mann,
and Bert Jansch, as well as some other favorite tunes. More
Twelve are listed here, and scroll down for the "Nuts and Bolts of
Fingerpicking Guitar". You can order at Stefan's
site, or directly from Rolly
(more profit goes to the artist) here at the store. If you
click on any of these thumbnails, a new window will open with a Youtube
video of the first 10-15 minutes of that lesson. Then you can close that
window to return here, and click the Buy Now link for purchase.
Note: With the addition of four new videos, we have surpassed
Paypal's limit on items per drop-down menu, so there's a new drop down
for "Exploring Jazz","Ear Training", "Rolly on the Blues", and "Where
Blues Meets Jazz".
List price is $29.95 each, but you can purchase here for $25 postpaid
in the continental U.S.
International Orders, the shipping rate can't be computed till we know
the destination country and the size of the order.
And here are the most recent additions to the"Rollyworld" collection.
If you click on any of these thumbnails, a new window will open with a
Youtube video of the first 10-15 minutes of that lesson. Then you can
close that window to return here, and click the Buy Now link for
Or you can buy any two titles for $40!
Note: This deal does not apply to the
2-DVD "Fingerpicking" set.
It DOES apply to the four newer videos
above, but they don't fit on the drop down menus below. If you want to
order the new videos as part of a "twofer", order each one separately
from the menus above, and I'll refund the appropriate amount ($10 per
twofer) via Paypal. Email
me if you have any questions.
The latest addition to this collection
of instructional DVDs is a two DVD set on
The Nuts And Bolts Of Fingerpicking
Click on thumbnail to see a Youtube video of the first 10 minutes of
this lesson.

List price on this 2-DVD set is $39.95, but you can purchase here for
$35 postpaid in the continental U.S.

This Vagrant Heart
A new solo CD, featuring jazz standards: Darn That Dream, One Of These
Days, My One And Only Love, You Are Too Beautiful, Round Midnight,
Unchained Melody, I Should Care, Jordu, Every Time We Say Goodbye, plus
Come In My Kitchen and 3 originals; This Vagrant Heart, Joe And Julie Get
Married, Freyda's Little Waltz.
$17 postpd U.S. sales, contact Rolly for int'l sales.

Dog Is My Co-Pilot - The CD!!
#CD2751 - CD
Rolly's ensemble CD, featuring guests Mark Cosgrove and John Carlini,
among others. Includes swing and bluegrass flatpicking, solo
fingerpicking, and even some singing! Songs include "Across The Great
Divide", "Drunk On The Moon", and "My Uncle Walter". Instrumentals include
"Redwing", "No Greater Love", "Sweet Sue", "Forked Deer", plus recent
Rolly originals.
$17 postpd U.S. sales, contact Rolly for int'l sales.
No Need For Words

#CD2749 - CD
Back in print as the "25th anniversary edition"! Rolly's first CD was a
collection of 6 ten-minute meditative improvisations suitable for the
treatment room, the dining room, or the bedroom.
New "economy" packaging lowers the price!
Meditative Improvisations for Solo Acoustic Guitar
$12 postpd
"Dog Is My Co-Pilot" tee shirt We're sorry,
but this item is SOLD OUT!